Analysis-index » Letter M » Manganese (Mn) in blood and urine
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Methylmalonic acid (METHYS)
Methylphenidate (METHE)
Metoprolol (METO)
Microglobulin (α1-) (MICR04(a1))
Microsporidia (MICR05)
of about 100 genii of microsporidia only 5 have a pathogenic significance for humans, among them the Encephalitozoon und Enterocytozoon
Midazolam (MIDA)
Mirtazapine (MIRTA)
Modafinil (MODA)
Molecular fungal diagnostics, multiplex-PCR (PILZM)
Molybdenum (MOLY)
Morphine (MORPH)
Mother milk (MOTH)
testing of Insecticides, metals
Multidrug-resistant gram negative pathogens
Methicillin or oxacillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
MTHFR polymorphism (MTHFR)
5.10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene, C677T mutation
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MUCOSC)
Mucormycosis (MUMYK)
Mumps (MUMP)
Paramyxovirus, serotype 1
Munc-18 autoantibodies (MUNC)
Muscle specific receptor tyrosine kinase autoantibodies
MuSK antibodies
Mycophenolate Mofetil (MYCOPH)
Active metabolite: mycophenolic acid
Mycoplasma genitalium (MG)
Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MYCO)
Mycosis (MYKOSE)
Myelin-associated glycoprotein autoantibodies (MAG)
Myoglobin in serum (MYOG)
Myoglobin in urine (MYOGU)
Myositis autoantibodies, basic panel (MYOSI)
Mi-2a-, Mi-2b-, TIF1g-, MDA5-, NXP2-, SAE1-, Ku (86,72)-, PM100-, PM75-, Jo-1-, SRP-, PL-7-, PL-12-, EJ-, OJ-, Ro52-, HMGCR-, cN-1A-autoantibodies
Myositis autoantibodies, supplementary panel
(KS-, Zo-, Ha-autoantibodies)
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